Every day, 42 Americans die from an opioid overdose. That is 2 an hour and 17,000 a year.
In the last 15 years, heroin use has dramatically increased. But, that is only part of the story.
Prescription opioids are at the heart of the problem. First, they fueled the opioid dependency. When the government began to crack down on the vast over-prescribing of these medications, it did not stop the epidemic, but merely caused people to turn to heroin, as a cheaper and more available alternative. More Americans overdose on prescription opioids than on heroin, and overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the country.
What exactly is an opioid overdose?
An overdose happens when a toxic amount of a drug, or combination of drugs, overwhelms the body. An opioid overdose happens when there are too many opioids or the combination of opioids and other drugs. The body becomes unresponsive and because the opioids also bind the receptors that control breathing, breathing is suppressed. Lack of oxygen can quickly cause brain damage and death, so it is important to administer rescue breaths in an overdose situation. Naloxone is an opiate antidote/antagonist with a very high affinity for the opioid receptor so it goes in and kicks off the opiates, and because it antagonizes (blocks) the receptor, rather than agonizing (activating) it, the overdose is reversed.
Tips for Preventing Overdose
The best way to not overdose is not to use drugs, but if you do, please follow the below recommendations.
Know what you are taking, if you don’t call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 or look it up on the net here: http://www.drugs.com/pill_identification.html
- Know the strength of the drug you are taking (Is it 2mg vs. 80mg).
- Know how long the drug will affect you (Is it short acting, long acting or extended release?).
- Don’t mix your drugs (this includes alcohol, benzos, antidepressants, cocaine).
- If you don’t use for a while (couple days, weeks, months) start with a low dose. When you don’t use for a little while your tolerance goes down.
- Use with other people: If something goes wrong they can have your back. Don’t use alone!
- Find out where you can get Naloxone.
Source: North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition
Risk factors for opioid overdose
People dependent on opioids are the group most likely to suffer an overdose. The incidence of fatal opioid overdose among opioid-dependent individuals is estimated at 0.65% per year. Non-fatal overdoses are several times more common than fatal opioid overdoses.
People at higher risk of opioid overdose
people with opioid dependence, in particular following reduced tolerance (following detoxification, release from incarceration, cessation of treatment);
people who inject opioids;
people who use prescription opioids, in particular, those taking higher doses;
people who use opioids in combination with other sedating substances;
people who use opioids and have medical conditions such as HIV, liver or lung disease or suffer from depression;
household members of people in possession of opioids (including prescription opioids).
People likely to witness an opioid overdose
people at risk of an opioid overdose, their friends, and families;
people whose work brings them into contact with people who overdose (health-care workers, police, emergency service workers, people providing accommodation to people who use drugs, peer education and outreach workers).
Risk factors for overdoses with prescribed opioids include a history of substance use disorders, high prescribed dosage (over 100mg of morphine or equivalent daily), male gender, older age, multiple prescriptions including benzodiazepines, mental health conditions, and lower socioeconomic status.
Source: World Health Organization
Recognizing Opioid Overdose
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if a person is just very high or experiencing an overdose. The following will present some information on how to tell the difference. If you’re having a hard time telling the difference, it is best to treat the situation like an overdose – it could save someone’s life.
If someone is really high and using downers like heroin, or pills:
Pupils will contract and appear small
Muscles are slack and droopy
They might “nod out”
Scratch a lot due to itchy skin
Speech may be slurred
They might be out of it, but they will respond to outside stimuli like loud noise or a light shake from a concerned friend.
If you are worried that someone is getting too high, it is important that you don’t leave them alone. If the person is still conscious, walk them around, keep them awake, and monitor their breathing.
The following are symptoms of an overdose:
Awake, but unable to talk
Body is very limp
Face is very pale or clammy
Fingernails and lips turn blue or purplish black
For lighter skinned people, the skin tone turns bluish purple, for darker skinned people, it turns grayish or ashen.
Breathing is very slow and shallow, erratic, or has stopped
Pulse (heartbeat) is slow, erratic, or not there at all
Choking sounds, or a snore-like gurgling noise (sometimes called the “death rattle”)
Loss of consciousness
Unresponsive to outside stimulus
If someone is making unfamiliar sounds while “sleeping” it is worth trying to wake him or her up. Many loved ones of users think a person was snoring when in fact the person had overdosed. These situations are a missed opportunity to intervene and save a life.
It is rare for someone to die immediately from an overdose. When people survive, it’s because someone was there to respond. The most important thing is to act right away!
Source: National Harm Reduction Coalition
Step by Step Instructions to Reverse an Overdose with Naloxone
Make sure the person is not responsive by stimulating their chest or upper lip with a sternum rub. To do a sternum rub, make a fist with your hand and use your knuckles to rub hard on the overdosed person’s chest or upper lip. If no response, it is time to administer Naloxone. If they are responsive, you could try and stimulate them. If there is any question, give them Naloxone. It cannot hurt someone, but it will put them into precipitated withdrawal, and they will feel very sick and could be very angry or frustrated. Assure them Naloxone only lasts about 30 minutes and they won’t feel bad for long.
Put the person flat on their back, with the head tilted back slightly to open up the airway.
Rescue breathe for the overdose victim. Breathe 5 times, if possible. Watch for the chest to rise when you breathe.
Get Naloxone ready to administer. With a 10-dose vial, you will pull the solution up to the 1mL line on the IM syringe. If you have a small, single dose vial, use all the solution.
Inject the overdosed person intramuscularly. The thigh is a really good place to use if the person is on their back for rescue breathing. The IM syringes we use are large enough to go through blue jeans. The bicep is another good spot for an IM injection. If you do not have an IM syringe, you can use an insulin syringe, but you must inject the Naloxone under the tongue. (the tongue is a muscle too)
You need to wait 3-5 minutes before administering the second dose. Even three minutes seems like an eternity when someone is not breathing, so look at your phone as soon as you administer the Naloxone, and track the time, if possible.
Rescue breathe while waiting for the medication to take effect.
Repeat until emergency services arrive, or the overdose is reversed.
Ideally, calling 911 should be the first step in the process. We strongly advise that everyone calls 911. Some people prefer to clean up all the drugs and paraphernalia before calling so they may avoid any trouble. With the right instruction on calling 911, the process almost always goes very smooth here in Austin, TX. If you choose not to call 911, please remember that Naloxone only lasts about 30 minutes, so the person could possibly overdose again, especially if they have done a lot of opiates, or they have done a long-acting opiate. Do not leave that person for at least an hour, if possible.
Tips for Calling 911
Never say “someone has overdosed,” instead simply say “someone is not breathing.” Here in Austin, TX, the first response will automatically dispatch police. The second response will not. When the EMT’s arrive, be nice, polite, and calm. They generally will not call the police unless they feel threatened. Be completely honest with them about everything that is going on. Let them know all of the drugs the overdosed person consumed and that you used Naloxone. Tell them how many doses you gave the person.
If you do not have Naloxone, and absolutely cannot stay when 911 is called, leave them in the recovery position (on their side) after calling 911. Make absolutely sure you are incredibly clear and precise when describing the person’s location!
Another good thing to do is put an overdose plan in place with the people you generally use with. Talk about what each person may feel more comfortable doing, that way everyone has an idea of what needs to happen and who may be better to perform each step. This can really cut down on the chaos of an overdose situation. Also, discuss if anyone has any warrants or absolutely would not want 911 called if they overdose and if that person with warrants plans to leave the scene when 911 is called. It is always good to discuss it all before it happens!
Source: North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition